
We see a great value in engaging with others who are standing in the gap for the poor. We believe in creating a platformwhere we can interact, problem solve and exchange information as we develop a more informed and empowered service to the underprivileged.


(A Network of Children’s Homes and Orphanages) is committed to the spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional wholeness of children needing residential care. We strengthen our partnership with Christian Children homes through capacity building, resources and shared expertise so they can provide the best residential care and raise the quality of children's homes in Sri Lanka. Some of the programs that Kidznet offers includes Residential Care Network, IT, English Educational Support, Child Sponsorship, National Trainings, On-site Coaching, Micro and Relief Grants and Kids Camps.

human trafficking network

Community Concern came together with national and international partners, who are fighting human trafficking in Sri Lanka and started The Human Trafficking Network. The purpose has been to mobilize of those actively working to combat trafficking to draw people together to reduce the risk of human trafficking. The focus of the Human Trafficking Network has been in the areas of prevention, prosecution and protection of the victims. The Network is a strong voice to advocate, raise awareness, share ideas, enforce the law and conduct programs help in the mitigation of this issue.